The Essence Of B Complex Vitamins

By Mark Guyton

Without B complex vitamins, the body is adversely affected in many ways. For instance, many mental problems are easily avoided by including the right quantities of these nutrients. These vitamins boost body energy and can help control depression, severe headaches as well as improve memory. Also, consumption of these nutrients protects the body from cardiovascular disease.

Each group of these vitamins has specific functions in the body. Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine helps in ensuring proper function of the human nervous system. Lack of sufficient intake of this vitamin in the body can adversely affect the sensory nerves, besides straining the cardiovascular system. It is thus helpful for people suffering from stroke or heart failure. There are neurotransmitters in the brain that require vitamin B6 to correctly transmit sensory information.

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 works closely with B5 in helping healing and restoration of damaged body tissues. People engaged in sports or manual activities will find such nutrients useful. This is because if their body has enough of these, they will not spent a lot of time nursing injuries. This makes it possible for them to get back to their daily duties immediately.

Another of these vitamins is B3, commonly called Niacinamide and is a great energy booster. When feeling weak and sickly, this could be all you need to get you up and running. Another of its work in the human system is to repair Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This molecule aids transfer of genetic traits from parents to their off-springs.

Another vitamin that lowers the risks of contracting cancer and heart diseases is Folic Acid (B9). If an expectant mother lacks this vitamin in her diet, she risks giving birth to a child with some defects. It is thus important for all people to make sure that this nutrient is ever-present in their diet.

Other vitamins forming this group include Inositol, Choline, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, Biotin and Cyanocobalamin (B12). One should have these in their diet to aid proper function of their brain. They also help relief stress and depression.

Now, you could be wondering how you get all these nutrients in your diets. Various foodstuffs contain most of these in plenty. For those in areas where any of the foodstuffs containing these nutrients are hard to find, you can buy them from the shop in concentrated form, simply as food supplements. The supplements are highly soluble in the body and will give quick results when taken. You will find these very useful when sick as compared to solid foods.

When buying supplements for B complex vitamins, make sure to get guidance from a physician. It is vital for patients to get physical examination from a qualified physician who will recommend a suitable dosage. Take the supplements as per recommendations by the doctor as any overdose can lead to harmful side effects. Besides, always buy from reputable dealers and check the item for expiry dates. Just like medicine, taking expired supplements can also lead to severe complications that you are not ready to deal with.

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