Awesome Pool Party Games For Kids

By Gloria Mason

The heat of summer is the perfect opportunity to take to the water to cool down. Break out the swim suits, iced drinks and inflatable toys and it is time to have a little fun in the sun. There are many great pool party games for kids that are sure to keep the young folk laughing, splashing and having a blast.

Kids and water are as a classic summer combination as ice cream and cake. From their early days in the tub, most children come to love splashing around and swimming. Creating periods of organized play when tending to a good sized group of young people can help keep them focused, entertained and playing peacefully together.

Just because something is a classic, does not mean it is not still exciting. Almost everyone can remember playing Marco Polo when they were younger. The simple concept of having the person who is it close their eyes and yell "Marco!" while everyone else bobs around, responding with "Polo!" while trying to avoid being tagged, will be a favorite for generations to come.

An even more thrilling water game that is actually better suited for older children and teens is chicken fighting. It requires everyone to split off into pairs with one person sitting on the shoulders of their partner. At the starting signal those on top try to pull each other off the bottoms and the last team standing takes the victory.

Creating a whirlpool is great game team effort game to play in rounded pools with a constant depth level for the best results. Everyone makes a single file line and follows the leader around the circumference, gaining speed with each new lap. Going as fast as they can, the group will build up enough momentum to get the water spinning on it's own, at which point they can all simply hit the floating position and ride the wave, so to speak.

Jousting is yet another very entertaining competition that gets everyone playing together. They mount inflatable rafts to serve as horses, paddle out to meet each other and then use foam swimming noodles to try and unseat their opponent. Depending on how many are in attendance, this can be done as an all in type of deal or as an elimination game with those on the sideline cheering.

Those rafts, or inflatable donuts, will also come in handy relay races. Separate everyone into two teams with half of each going to opposite ends of the pool. The object is for a member from each group to jump on the float and paddle as fast as possible to the other side, tagging and switching places with a teammate on that end who repeats the action until the last one finishes and declares victory.

As long as there is a place to swim, keeping children entertained is not too hard to do. Let them have some friends and family join them to enjoy some classic pool party games for kids. The old favorites that parents played as children are just as fun for the youth of today and can be made even more adventurous with a little creative adjustments.

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