Pulse Lavage Provides Great Safety To The Patient

By Rosella Campbell

When you have a wound, you really need to look after it and clean it on a regular base. Sometimes the best way to make sure the wound is clean is by undergoing a procedure called pulse lavage. This is a type of hydrotherapy. The machine that is used for this mechanical hydrotherapy is very easy to move around and is also not very expensive. One can use this machine at various setups and institutions. It can be used in a doctor's surgery, at hospitals, at acute care institutions, outpatient clinics, and even general therapy setups.

If there is, a lot of debridement to be done then there really is no use in putting the pressure of the hydrotherapy too low to prevent the patient from experiencing any pain, but no debridement takes place. This is why there are a few other options you can choose to prepare the wound for proper debridement and at the same time apply some pain control. This is how you do it.

If a wound is cared for properly, and an infection is treated as soon as it starts, then there is no reason why a wound should take long to heal. Getting a wound to heal fast will in turn also prevent any infections. This is something that will really work both ways.

This kind of treatment cannot be done by just any one. It must be a clinically trained and qualified person that needs to do this. It should also be done in a very clean and sterile area to prevent any further infection. The best is to have it done in a doctor's surgery and or even hospital.

If you have chosen the oral route, you might find that the patient still feels a little pain while you work on the wound. This is because the oral medication does not numb the specific area but will take away some of the pain. Oral pain relievers is not always the most effective route to go, but will certainly help.

The force and the pressure of which the water will be coming out at can be adjusted to what is best for the specific wound. The pressure should be adjusted according to the amount of tissue in the wound that needs to be debrided and also how much slough is in the wound. All these things should be taken into account when this kind of hydrotherapy has been chosen to clean and treat the wound.

The higher the pressure of the hydrotherapy the more debridement will take place. If the pressure of the hydrotherapy is very high it might even hurt the patient quite a bit as well. Therefore, the patient's pain threshold should also be taken into account and if it is too sore for the patient you can adjust, the pressure down a little bit to maintain pain control.

The doctor will then be able to give you the antibiotic that you can mix with the saline water and then apply it directly to the wound. By using this very direct approach and minimally invasive approach, you can treat the infection directly and this will also prevent the infection from spreading. They also say that by using this kind of approach you will decrease the bio burden on the top surface of that wound and you will also be able to remove the tissue that was infected what the infection.

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