How To Know How Provillus For Men Works

By Adam Smith

So many hair restorative products at my local drugstore or online boasts that they can easily regenerate the hair loss I have, but all of them, except one, were ineffective or had minimal results. I must say, though, that I've been quite impressed since I started using Provillus for Men.

Provillus for Men takes a unique two-step approach in combating balding and thinning hair on the scalps of both men and women.

Let's get down to the exact ingredients in Provillus for men and why they work. Minoxidil is the primary ingredient in the topical solution for this hair loss treatment. Minoxidil is FDA approved and it has shown in clinical trials an ability to re-grow hair. It works because it is an anti-androgen which means it prevents the effects of certain male hormones from taking place. Each day in addition to using the topical solution for your Provillus for men, you will also take a nutritional supplement. This supplement will nourish your hair follicles from within to promote re-growth of your lost hair.

Provillus for Men is the solution that you need for your balding problems. While the results may vary from individual to individual, you will feel spectacular outcomes in just a few months of utilizing the program. It targets the growth of hair by blocking DHT formation in your hair follicles. In the beginning, you will feel less hair fall and strengthened hair strands. Following this, you will start to see the growth of new hairs to replace the old ones which have fallen off. Though the period of regaining the hair can differ depending on the effect of the combination, you can be assured that your hair loss problems will diminish once you begin taking in the supplements and applying the solution.

The second step in the Provillus for Men Hair Loss Treatment System is their topical cream. Containing the active ingredient Minoxidil (5% potency) this topical cream, when applied directly to the thinning and balding areas on my head, externally stimulate inactive hair follicles. Minoxidil is the only FDA (Food And Drug Administration) approved medication specifically targeted for hair follicle stimulation.

Some other choices include growing one side of their hair longer and simply combing that hair over the bald place. This option might look like a nice alternative to simply being bald but in actuality it may very well look rather preposterous especially in a wind storm.

I highly recommend Provillus for men for any guy wanting positive results from a highly effective product. Their unique two-step approach is unlike anything else I've seen in all my online searches. Within the first four months of using their topical cream and herbal supplements I began to notice tiny hairs sprouting from areas where no hair is grown for a long time.

The Provillus Hair Loss Treatment System for Men is designed specifically for the male gender, because of its formulated herbal supplements and potency of their Minoxidil topical cream. However, Provillus for Women is also available, and is formulated with its own unique herbal supplements and Minoxidil potent topical cream targeted specifically for women.

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