Finding The Right Macular Degeneration Vitamins For The ARMD

By Donna Fox

As people grow older, there are many age-related diseases that may inevitably happen and this includes macular degeneration. Once any individual reaches the age of 60, he or she will be more prone to acquiring this eye condition. Keeping a healthy lifestyle by eating the right kind of foods such as vegetables and fish as well as exercising regularly can help reduce the risk of this disease and other eye conditions including diabetic radiotherapy. Because of the advancements in health and science, various treatments and preventive measures are now available including macular degeneration vitamins.

The macula in the eye is a most important component in the vision of a person. However, it can degenerate because of different factors including hypertension, genetics, high level of cholesterol, damage from the sun and smoking.

There are two types of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) - Dry and Wet. Dry ARMD comes on slowly, usually over a period of many years. Wet ARMD can come on suddenly and cause more severe vision problems. Age-Related Macular Degeneration treatments are used routinely for people suffering from this debilitating disease. Wet ARMD can be treated in several different ways while dry ARMD can sometimes be delayed but treatment options are few.

There are different forms of this condition and each comes with slightly different symptoms and treatment options. MD affects the central vision, rather than what you see off to the side. Because the macula is affected which is part of the retina it is your central vision which is affected.

Aside from taking a good and nutritious diet, MD can also be prevented by a nonsurgical treatment called Micro Current Stimulation, which generally improves the health of the macula. Using low vision aids will also protect the overall vision of a person and keeping a healthy lifestyle that will not make the eye suffer. If it is possible to read books or newspapers only in good lighting, individuals must do so.

So it really is worth considering getting more vegetables into your diet, quitting smoking and watching your weight. These are all factors you can control. While you cannot help having a hereditary disease, you can control your lifestyle, diet and other factors so it really does pay to consider these.

In essence, MD can cause blindness if it is not treated appropriately and in a timely manner. One of the ways to prevent this is to make sure that people have their eyes tested annually. Once every year is enough, especially if MD runs in the family.

Some new studies indicate that there are certain vitamins that work for some people in preventing loss of vision. These vitamins are C, E, zinc, beta-carotene and copper. It is important to take these vitamins under the supervision of a doctor because some people may not be able to tolerate large doses of certain vitamins.

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