Genuine Facts About Holy Tea

By Mary Taylor

Being healthy or frail is a matter of what goes into your body. Your colon and general body are poisoned by chemicals as well as toxins in the foods you eat or environment you live in. This exposes you to infections and diseases that weaken the body. Holy tea is a specially prepared concoction that detoxifies the system using natural ingredients. Beyond being healthy, you will significantly lose weight.

The strength of your cup will be determined by your age and taste. It is healthy for children as well as palatable. To achieve expected results with children, give them sparingly ensuring that the dosage is strengthened over time depending on their response to the ordinary cup. It helps children by instantly improving their bowel health.

Response by the body depends on individual condition. It is possible for some people to experience frequent bowel movement on account of a single cup while others do not. The solution is to try different quantities and strengths to identify which one works for you. Brewing a stronger cup may also help you to achieve the desired results. This means that effectiveness or finding satisfaction depends on your brewing technique or approach.

Some people experience an increase in the frequency of visits to the bathroom. For others, they will experience cramps. Monitor such reactions and consider taking a break for a day or two. You may also reduce the strength of the tea or amount taken in a day. When the reduction happens gradually, you will get an idea of how much your body is comfortable with.

The beverage has chemical components that may affect or react with other medicines. Mixing the two may therefore lead to complications. It is therefore advisable to take medication at least an hour before or after taking tea. Since it does not contain caffeine, there is no possibility of addiction. With no danger of addiction, you can take it as long as you wish and stop any time without any side effects.

Preparation needs to be done with a lot of care. Never use microwave heated water in brewing your cup. The essential enzymes are usually destroyed by excess heat. The water should be boiled and allowed to cool slightly before mixing. The boiling should also not be rapid. Reheating the mixture is allowed.

The quality of your beverage will be affected by storage. To keep it fresh, it is recommended that you refrigerate in a glass container that is made of glass. Other container options include stainless steel and plastic bowls. They will, however, demand regular attention to maintain the quality. Without refrigeration, the shelf life of this tea will be reduced. Contaminants like water also affect its quality.

Spicing the cup using additives improves its palatability. If your preference is an iced cup, go ahead and prepare one. The quality will remain excellent. Other additives include lemon flavoring. It is sweetest if the temperature is close to that of the body. Use of natural ingredients means that it does not contain excess salt and the quantity of sodium is adequately checked. This is the healthiest beverage you will consume.

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